Monday, March 1, 2010


故事環繞驍勇善戰的男主角Jake Sully(森禾霍頓飾),他因一次意外半身不遂而被迫退出軍隊,內心飽受苦困煎熬。為了燃點生命鬥志,Jake同意接受實驗計畫去到遙遠的星球 Pandora,幫助一間企業開採價值連城的礦產。要應付 Pandora 危機四伏的環境,Jake 必須讓意識進入一具由 DNA 培植的驅體「阿凡達」之內,化身成身高 9 呎的土著外星人Na'vi。

Jake透過「阿凡達」重生後再次健步如飛,但他進入Pandora異境不久旋遭巨型外星生物襲擊,幸得Na'vi公主Neytiri救回一命。Jake 與Neytiri漸漸互生情愫,更意識到人類對Pandora環境造成禍害,此時Na'vi族人與人類的世紀衝突一觸即發,末日浩劫即將淹至,處於兩難的 Jake要在情義間作出決擇。

I was just been watching《Avatar》is a such a great show..very amazing sound and effect on the song, such a great movies story line is best. I love the graphic and the song of the movies. I'll really have a great time to watch this show, make me love Avatar liao...wanna be one of them :D hahaha

The buzz and buzzkill leading up to Avatar, it turns out, found inadequate purchase now that the world has finally glimpsed the fabled film. The echo chamber of hype that believed it would drastically alter the landscape of filmmaking forever, the virulent, vitriolic cries of Dances with Smurfs, the total indifference...all misplaced.

You are not prepared for Avatar. Roll your eyes at that; laugh it off, you've heard that pitch before. It's not hyperbole, though, it's bald truth. Whether it's your most anticipated movie of the year or your least, it is not precisely what you think it is. How could it be? Avatar is a motion picture precedent, after all. It's fair to say that the core conflict is less than revolutionary and that parts of the narrative are broad, but those ills are scarcely symptomatic of James Cameron's ultimate goal. It's not about challenging the formula of Group X oppresses Group Y, who then fight back. Nor is it about only showcasing the bleeding edge technology that Cameron and company have invented and licensed over the last decade. Avatar is about transporting a viewer to the awe-inspiring alien world of Pandora and integrating them into its fantastic way of life for 150 minutes. That's the bullseye Cameron is aiming for, and that is the bullseye he obliterates.

Among other things, Pandora is home to the Na'vi, a sentient species of 10 foot tall blue hominids who happen to call a site that sits atop an untapped vein of said rare mineral home. The idea is that Jake will join a team of altruistic researchers who plan to link consciousness with genetically engineered Na'vi bodies (the titular avatars) in an attempt to convince the natives that they need to relocate their home. Before going off to live among the locals, however, the corporation's scheming security honcho, Colonel Quaritch (Stephen Lang), makes a deal with Jake: discretely relay any crucial details that will help undermine the Na'vi should an assault be necessary and he'll get the company to pay for the spinal surgery that will make Jake walk again. As one can guess, things don't go as planned, and Jake soon begins to fall in love with his new found life on Pandora.

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